If someone experiences a personal injury due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party, the legal system allows...
Sanctuary Cities: What and Where are they?

As part of his crackdown on immigration, sanctuary cities across the country are firmly in President Trump’s crosshairs.
The president has threatened to weaponize federal funding for cities that that refuse to comply with ICE deportation requests. However, many sanctuary cities have refused to lie down and California has begun fighting back with a federal court ruling against the legality of withholding such funding.
But what are sanctuary cities exactly? Where are they and why does the President want to crack down on them?
What are Sanctuary cities?
In the United States, a sanctuary city is a city that limits it’s cooperation with the federal government in order to help illegal immigrants (or undocumented immigrants) avoid deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. Proponents of sanctuary policies maintain that they actually make cities safer by fostering positive relationships between undocumented immigrants and law enforcement. Thus making them more comfortable in reported a witnessed crime or cooperating with them.
There is no uniform policy and different jurisdictions have varying degrees of pushback, but it may include not inquiring about immigration status, refusing to use local law enforcement resources to detain immigrants, or not complying with Federal laws (8 U.S.C.1373 specifically) that prohibits localities from enacting policy that limits communication with ICE agents about a persons immigration status.
A Full List of Sanctuary Cities in the United States (2017)
Despite the nomenclature, often, sanctuary cities aren’t even cities at all, but entire counties or even entire states. As of May, 2017, there are some 171 jurisdictions that have officially enacted sanctuary policies – the most common of which is refusal to honor ICE detainers without a warrant for the individual’s arrest. Of those 171 jurisdictions, 37 are cities, four are states, the rest are counties.
Number of Sanctuary Jurisdictions by State
Sanctuary Cities in the U.S.
There are 37 official sanctuary cities currently in the U.S. – and the number is growing by the week. These cities have official policies aimed at discouraging full cooperation with federal immigration deportation and detainer requests. There are, however, other cities that are “run like a sanctuary city” but do not have official city policies – Salt Lake City, UT comes to mind. (Conversely, some major cities fall in counties that have adopted sanctuary policies but do not have any of their own).
Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA
Santa Ana, CA
Aurora, CO
Hartford, CT
New Haven, CT
Washington, D.C.
Alachua, FL
Miami, FL
Iowa City, IA
Chicago, IL
New Orleans, LA
Amherst, MA
Boston, MA
Cambridge, MA
Lawrence, MA
Northhampton, MA
Somerville, MA
St. Paul, MN
Baltimore, MD
Detroit, MI
Lansing, MI
Newark, NJ
Benalillo, NM
San Miguel, NM
Ithaca, NY
New York City, NY
Springfield, OR
Philadelphia, PA
Providence, RI
Austin, TX
Houston, TX
Monteplier, VT
Winooski, VT
Milwaukee, WI
Four states have enacted or are in the process of enacting sanctuary policies at the state level.
California – In April 2017, the California Senate passed Senate Bill 54, a sanctuary state bill that bars state and local law enforcement from using their resources to help federal immigration enforcement.
Connecticut – CT governor Dannel Malloy issued a memo instructing both law enforcement and school officials not to give ICE agents access to schools or jails and refrain from detaining immigrants solely based on immigration status. In addition the Connecticut General Assembly has proposed H.B. No. 6709, an act to make Connecticut a “sanctuary state” for immigrants, regardless of residency status.
New Mexico – In January 2017, New Mexico lawmakers introduced House Bill 116, entitled No Local Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law. The bill aims to prevent local or state resources being used“for the purpose of detecting or apprehending persons whose only violation of law is that they are persons of foreign citizenship who have entered or are residing in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws,” unless otherwise legally required to. Currently, the sponsors of the bill are seeking revisions.
Colorado – In January 2017, House Bill 17-1230 was introduced by Colorado lawmakers. Labeled as “Protect Colorado Residents From Federal Government Overreach”, the would prohibit a state of local agency from assisting in detaining, creating or maintaining a registry, or providing a persons immigration status to the federal government without determining it has a legal or constitutional purpose.
List of Sanctuary Counties in the United States
Alameda County
Contra Costa County
Los Angeles County
Monterey County
Napa County
Orange County
Orange County
Riverside County
Sacramento County
San Bernardino County
San Diego County
San Francisco County
San Mateo County
Santa Clara County
Santa Cruz County
Sonoma County
Arapahoe County
Boulder County
Denver County
Garfield County
Grand County
Jefferson County
Larimer County
Mesa County
Pitkin County
Pueblo County
Routt County
San Miguel County
Weld County
East Haven
Clay County
Hernando County
Clayton County
DeKalb County
Benton County
Cass County
Franklin County
Fremont County
Greene County
Ida County
Iowa City, Johnson County
Jefferson County
Marion County
Monona County
Montgomery County
Pottawattamie County
Sioux County
Cook County
Butler County
Harvey County
Sedgwick County
Shawnee County
Story County
Montgomery County
Prince George’s County
Hennepin County
Hall County
Sarpy County
New Jersey
Middlesex County
Ocean County
Union County
New Mexico
New Mexico County Jails
Clark County
Washoe County
New York
Franklin County
Nassau County
Omondaga County
St. Lawrence County
Wayne County
Baker County
Clackamas County
Clatsop County
Coos County
Crook County
Curry County
Deschutes County
Douglas County
Gilliam County
Grant County
Hood River County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Josephine County
Lane Countyn
Lincoln County
Linn County
Malheur County
Marion County
Marlon County
Multnomah County
Polk County
Sherman County
Tillamok County
Umatilla County
Union County
Wallowa County
Wasco County
Washington County
Wheeler County
Yamhill CountyPennsylvaniaBradford County
Bucks County
Butler County
Chester County
Clarion County
Delaware County
Eerie County
Franklin County
Lebanon County
Lehigh County
Lycoming County
Montgomery County
Montour County
Perry County
Pike County
Westmoreland CountyRhode IslandProvidence, Rhode Island
Rhode Island Department of CorrectionsTexasDallas County
Travis County
Arlington County
Chesterfield County
Chelan County
Clallam County
Clark County
Cowlitz County
Franklin County
Jefferson County
King County
Kitsap County
Pierce County
San Juan County
Skagit County
Snohomish County
Spokane County
Thurston County
Walla Walla County
Wallowa County
Whatcom County
Yakima County
These lists are up to date as of May 2017, an are based on ICE reports of jurisdictions that have enacted policies, referendums, memos or otherwise stated that they will not fully cooperate with ICE detainer requests.
If these sanctuaries refuse to cooperate with the federal government and choose not to obey the law, why does the government continue to send money for law enforcement, roads and improvements? If a law enforcement agency refuses to detain an illegal can it(its administration) be charged with aiding and abetting or with another charge?
My grand parents came to this country for a better life but they did it legally. Why is this any different today. I’d You Decide To sneak in then you should be held accountable. I’m am NOT in favor of these stupid people placing you and I at risk by allowing more law breakers stay. If you break the law you must pay the price. These illegal individuals are law breakers. If you went to Mexico, there aren’t santuary cities for illegal Americans, why should there be here.
Hurray up and build that wall so people whom want to come here lawfully and contribute to our society come in.