3 Legal Tips You Need To Know


2020 has been an unprecedented year, filled with ups, downs, and navigating a global pandemic. Through it all, people have relied on one another, their communities, and their employers to continue moving forward during a unique year.

Before 2020 comes to a close, you can support yourself in the legal realm as well by learning three important legal tips that can guide you should you face a potential lawsuit or consider filing a claim. To learn more about potential lawsuits and general legal knowledge you need to know, keep reading.

Never Be Afraid to Schedule a Consultation

The average person may not fully understand their rights under the law or a complex legal jargon. If you have legal questions, schedule a time to speak with a qualified and experienced attorney. Most attorneys offer a free consultation or a free case evaluation to help explore your legal rights.

It is natural to feel overwhelmed by the claims process. “If you do not want to communicate or negotiate with a claims adjuster on your own after an accident, hire an attorney to do so for you,” notes the team of St. Louis personal injury lawyers at The Floyd Law Firm, an attorney “will work with you to gather evidence, build your case, and negotiate with the insurance company.”

Whether you chose to move forward with an attorney or not is completely up to you; a free consultation should be obligation-free. Utilizing a free consultation with an attorney can serve as a great resource to know where you sit regarding your legal affairs. 

Never Sign Something Without Reading It First

Whether you are faced with a lease agreement, employment contract, or privacy agreement, always read and understand what it is you are signing before putting the pen to paper (or dragging the mouse across the PDF). While this may seem like a tedious task, understanding what is expected of you and what is taken from you in exchange is vital.

Search for key phrases like “authorize”, “accept”, and “agree” as well as “retain” or “retention”. This type of jargon can be connected to various things such as websites asking to retain or sell your personal information or landlords holding you liable if someone is injured on your rental property. These key phrases could play a serious role should things go south. 

Always Get a Copy of a Contract

Save yourself thousands of dollars and years in litigation by asking for a copy of a contract! Employers and human resources personnel should be able to accommodate this by sending you a copy of a contract upon request. If you are unable to get a copy, take a picture with your phone or a screengrab with your computer. 

Having a hard copy of a contract on hand can make you feel more empowered and help you understand what exactly is required from you under law.

While the legal realm may sound complicated and complex, these three tips can help provide comfort and empowerment should you find yourself considering taking legal action or being served papers. As 2021 fast approaches, our communities prepare for the unknown and anticipate what is to come. With these three legal tips, you can be just a little more prepared for what the new year has to offer.  


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