If someone experiences a personal injury due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party, the legal system allows...
It’s Not Too Late: If You Live in These 23 States, You Can Take Time Off to Vote on Short Notice.
On Tuesday, millions of registered voters will line up at polling places across the country to participate in arguably the most important midterm election of our lifetimes. One of the most important questions leading up to this election is who will actually show up to vote: midterms are historically known for low voter turnout, [...]

America’s Approach to Mental Health: Sweep it Under the Rug
“Most people dealing with this sort of thing end up in jail or on the street. There really aren’t any other options.” This is the response I received from an officer with the San Diego Sheriff’s Department when I called to request a visit from PERT, the Psychological Evaluation Response Team. After being told there […]

Sanctuary Cities: What and Where are they?
As part of his crackdown on immigration, sanctuary cities across the country are firmly in President Trump’s crosshairs. The president has threatened to weaponize federal funding for cities that that refuse to comply with ICE deportation requests. However, many sanctuary cities have refused to lie down and California has begun fighting [...]

A Plaintiff’s Duty to Mitigate Damages
According to the “Mitigation of Damages” doctrine, victims in the United States are responsible for minimizing or avoiding (or mitigating) damages – even if they were not responsible for causing the initial harm in the first place. Mitigation of damages comes in to play most often in contracts, but it can also play a [...]

Taxotere Lawsuits
If you are considering filing a Taxotere lawsuit, you are not alone. Many women are filing lawsuits against Sonofi-Aventis as a result of Taxotere side effects, mainly permanent hair loss caused by the drug. If you have been effected by the use of this drug, getting help from a Taxotere lawyer may be in your […]

13 Killed as Tour Bus Slams into Big Rig on Westbound I-10 in California
A tour bus crashed into the trailer of an 18-wheeler at 5:17 a.m. Sunday morning, killing 13 and injuring 31 more. The crash occurred just outside of Palm Springs, a popular resort town in Southern California. The bus was carrying passengers from a casino in Thermal back to Los Angeles, and the driver of the […]

Back on the Bus: Is Your Child Wearing a Seat Belt on the School Bus?
Across the country, millions of children are heading back to school. However, before they can spend the day learning, playing and growing, they have to get to school. Some children walk or bike to school. Others have their parents drop them off. Approximately 55 percent of K-12th grade students ride the bus to school every […]

Power of Attorney
Enacting a power of attorney, in any form, is planning for the worst just in case it does actually happen. But what exactly is power of attorney? Power of attorney is a legal agreement between two parties that grants one or more persons the power to act on your behalf. The two parties include a […]

Conjugal Visits: Rules and History
The phrase is well known in popular culture – conjugal visits means private alone time with a significant other while in prison. We all understand the connotation of conjugal visits, but allow me to spell it out. Yes, inmates are permitted to engage in sexual relations with their spouse during conjugal visits. However, many times [...]