If someone experiences a personal injury due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party, the legal system allows...
Executive Order Jeopardizes Funding For Treatment of San Bernardino Terror Attack Victims
When President Trump signed an Executive order on Wednesday to withhold funds from and even punish sanctuary cities, he may have also inadvertently robbed victims of the 2015 San Bernardino terrorist attack from receiving the treatment they need to recover from their injuries. This move only adds to the long and arduous road that many [...]
Could Higher Gas Prices Have a Positive Effect in 2017?
A lower price is something that’s always seen as a positive. And why shouldn’t it be? Paying less for an item or service means less money out of pocket and more to spend elsewhere. However, when it comes to gas prices, this notion becomes particularly tricky. The Outlook for 2017 As we venture forward into […]
UC System Schools Will Not Enforce Federal Immigration Policy
On Wednesday, November 30, University of California President Janet Napolitano released a statement announcing that the well-known UC institution of public schools will not cooperate with President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed policies on illegal immigration: “Given the many public pronouncements made during the presidential campaign [...]
Donald Trump v. the First Amendment
President-elect Donald Trump’s crusade against the First Amendment has been consistent and terrifying. He has suggested “opening up” libel laws so that he can more easily sue news organizations which speak poorly of him. He and his transition team have considered putting those of the Muslim faith on a registry. He has [...]
13 Killed as Tour Bus Slams into Big Rig on Westbound I-10 in California
A tour bus crashed into the trailer of an 18-wheeler at 5:17 a.m. Sunday morning, killing 13 and injuring 31 more. The crash occurred just outside of Palm Springs, a popular resort town in Southern California. The bus was carrying passengers from a casino in Thermal back to Los Angeles, and the driver of the […]

Arrested and Detained By Police: Your Rights
Amber Swink was placed in an isolation cell, strapped to a seven-point harness chair and pepper-sprayed twice by police while being detained for drunk and disorderly conduct. The entire incident was caught on video, evidence which the police department tried to destroy, or claim as missing. Swink was indeed being loud, obnoxious and [...]
U.S. Coast Guard Releases Final Rule For TWIC Card
In an effort to increase security on maritime vessels and facilities, the U.S. Coast Guard’s final rule has mandated that TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential) Card’s now be subject to heightened screening. The security measures stipulate that the cards be electronically read in order to prevent counterfeit [...]
Colin Kaepernick and First Amendment Rights
Colin Kaepernick may have anticipated some sort of backlash for his decision to sit in protest during the national anthem last week, but even he probably didn’t foresee the national firestorm that it would set off. The myriad of opinion pieces from journalists and talking heads alike went from debate to contentious name-calling [...]
“White Lives Matter” Designated As Hate Group By Southern Poverty Law Center
“White Lives Matter,” the antithesis of everything Black Lives Matter stands for, is being designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). You may have heard about White Lives’ protest outside the NAACP headquarters in Houston last week. They were small in numbers, but they were armed and [...]
California Assisted Suicide Law Gets Final Approval: Right To Die
It’s known as end-of-life option, right-to-die, assisted suicide, and it has been a very controversial topic nationwide since Oregon became the first to enact such a law in 1997. California, after being signed into approval by Gov. Jerry Brown in October of 2015, had their own version come into effect on June 9th of this […]