If someone experiences a personal injury due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party, the legal system allows...
What are the Long Term Effects of Domestic Violence?
In many cases, it’s only the immediate effects of domestic violence that are highlighted in statistical reports and survivor resources. While it’s true that time helps with the healing process, it doesn’t always erase the trauma or the lingering effects that come with an abusive relationship. In addition to mental trauma, domestic violence can also have lasting physical effects as well. Unfortunately, the mental and physical after-effects, as well as the impact on personal relationships, can linger for years or even decades after the survivor leaves the toxic situation. Learn more here about the long-term effects that domestic violence has on survivors.
Physical Health Issues
Most people think of bruises and broken bones when they think of intimate partner violence, which is a common, but also only part of the full story. Due to the high levels of stress that victims of domestic violence experience, survivors may end up facing serious health problems such as heart disease, chronic pain, asthma and arthritis later in life.
In addition to these serious physical problems, survivors may be faced with lasting reproductive health problems. One way that abusers exercise their control can include interfering with their victim’s sexual health. Also called “reproductive coercion”, this type of treatment can result in unwanted pregnancies’ or sexually transmitted infections. According to Liz Roberts, the Chief Program Officer at Safe Horizons, “There are so many ways someone can be placed at risk for an STI or an unwanted pregnancy, and that can obviously have great consequences down the road.”
It’s estimated that the United States spends $3.6 trillion on the medical, legal and mental health costs that stem from domestic violence, as shown in domestic violence statistics gathered by a Boulder domestic violence defense attorney from Dolan + Zimmerman, LLP.
Future Generational Trauma
A relationship that includes domestic violence doesn’t only impact the two people directly involved. In most cases, physically abusive relationships take place in the home and with children present. According to recent studies from the American Psychological Association, an estimated 3.3 million children are exposed to violence against female caretakers, such as their mother. Children and young adults who have witnessed violence will continue to carry that trauma with them over the course of their life. A study by the CDC found that the types of things that we live through as a child have a big impact on our adult lives. In addition to the trauma that comes from witnessing relationship violence, children can experience the same lingering effects as survivors do.
Broken Personal Relationships
Another long-term effect of domestic violence is the destruction of personal relationships that the survivor needs to rebuild after being isolated by their abuser. After the survivor has removed themselves from the abusive situation, they may need to reconnect with friends and family members who they were not able to regularly interact with.
Domestic violence is one of the most damaging experiences a man, woman or child can experience in their lifetime. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help both new survivors and those struggling with the after effects months, even years later.